Category Archives: Janae

The Other Side of Adoption: Part Five

The big day came. The day that you were going to go with us to the lawyer’s office so that your mamma could sign the documents so that your mamma and daddy now could have you forever. Forever…. that sounds so final… so long, but it is not in time I will be able to...

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The Other Side of Adoption: Part Four

As they hugged in each other’s embrace your new mamma said, “You will not regreat your decison. I promise.” There were so many things that I was feeling that day as well. I was feeling excited, sad, and I was anxious. I almost could not wait until we got back outside to have another ciggarette....

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The Other Side of Adoption: Part Three

I knew that after I asked if we could come down to their home again so your mama could meet the family, there was a pause……..Then she spoke saying, “What do you think our chances are of getting this little boy? I just do not want to keep getting my hopes up then having them...

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The Other Side of Adoption: Part Two

(*This is the second part of the adoption story written from “Na Na’s” perspective. Once again, thanks for sharing your feelings and record of events!*) Dear Grandson, The thing that is so funny about my little grand baby is that he did not like going places that he never recognized, and if he did go,...

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The Other Side of Adoption: Part One

(Before I start the next series in the story of Handsome, I want to give a big thanks for Handsome’s “nana” for sharing her side of the process. This story has touched many people’s lives on both sides of the equation…and together we wanted to share a story of adoption that worked out for everyone...

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Our Adoption Story – 5 years later

Five years ago, we met Jordan for the first time. If you don’t know Mr. Handsome, he is the big brown eyed, brown haired little boy that strutted into our family and turned it upside down. I can hardly believe it has been five years, and at the same time, it feels like an eternity....

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Happy Birthday, I’m Over the Hill

For as long as I can remember, I’ve told myself I wouldn’t be sad when I turned forty. There is so much to live for after forty, and in many ways life is just beginning. But tonight as I laid in the bath, (for the first time in as long time) on the eve of...

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Last week of Summer Learning Series: Healthy Choices

Written by: Janae I can hardly believe it’s the LAST week of the Summer Learning Series! True to tradition, it FLEW by way faster than I would ever think possible! If you have missed out on what we have shared this summer, just use the search bar to look for “Summer Learning Series” and you...

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Uplift Families Conference 2015

Written by: Janae Moss It’s funny how life works, sometimes. We wake up, ready to tackle our day – and tell ourselves we have control over our plans. Let’s be honest – as females, we make plans since the day we were old enough to start reading, writing, and playing make believe. We play M.A.S.H.,...

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I Can do it: Math

Welcome to the summer learning series “I Can Do it: Math!” If you missed anything shared on our first topic, HANDS – CLICK HERE to start from the beginning. And if you missed what the FIVE PROTECTIVE FACTORS are and why we use them in our work – CLICK HERE. As we begin to talk...

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MyMommyStyle Meet Camille

Hello! I am Camille, a wife, mother of four, Disney obsessed, certified teacher, and reality optimist. Motherhood comes with its ups and downs, and I hope while you're here you'll find something that makes your #momlife easier!


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Embrace the Mom You AreMy Mommy Style

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Embrace the Mom You AreMy Mommy Style


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