What Advice Would you Give a new Mom? + a chance to win a REAL pearl necklace!

Mother’s Day is coming UP so we thought it would be FUN to share some advice for a new mom!

Remember to subscribe to our youtube channel for weekly videos!  We interview so many amazing people and bring them to you every Monday at 2:00 MST. See you there!  What tips would you give to a new mom?  Comment below and share your advice.  The last person  who comments on our youtube channel will be receiving a pearl necklace in the mail shortly!  The cut off is Mother’s Day at 12:00 pm.


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  • Don’t listen to the naysaysers, the advice-givers (funny huh?), or the self appointed “mommy police”. If anything will humble you and make you realize you know nothing, it’s a child. Listen to your child, and to your heart. And realize that your children are going to teach YOU more than you will ever teach them. Your job is to love them, keep them safe, and set a good example for them of the kind of people you hope they grow up to be. From day one they will want to be just like you. Have fun. (from a mother of six, and a joyful grandmother of 21!)ReplyCancel

    • Debbie! Send a message to [email protected] and tell me the address you want your pearl necklace sent to 🙂 put “Pearl Necklace” in the subject line.ReplyCancel

  • Natalia Solache

    It is ok to be scared, try to be patient, take care of you too.ReplyCancel

  • Sleep when you can and don’t feel bad that your house is a wreck. It can wait! Pray and pray often. Trust your gut instincts and don’t listen to all the horror stories that people tell you. Savor every moment. Even when you feel like your days will never end because your babies grow up SO fast!!ReplyCancel

  • I couldn’t agree more with Debbie. And, every baby is different and every mom is different, so do what feels best for you and your family.ReplyCancel

  • I love this video! As a new mother to be (in the next couple weeks) I need as much advice as I can get!ReplyCancel

  • Every child is different ad will require different things. Don’t sweat the small stuff, and the house will always be in disarray, embrace your time in life it goes so quick.ReplyCancel

  • G’day! My mum used to say never to do anything you didn’t want to read on the front page of a newspaper! lol
    Cheers! JoanneReplyCancel

  • Rachel Cartucci

    My advice for a new mom is listen to your own mom/grandmother but modernize that advice because it does come with an expiration date sometimes.ReplyCancel

  • Don’t compare yourself to what anyone else (or their baby/kid for that matter) is doing. You do what works for you and feels best for your family.ReplyCancel

  • Being a new mom can be hard but taking time for a coffee and a walk means the world. I am the mommy of a two year old and I still need those mini breaks every now and then.ReplyCancel


MyMommyStyle Meet Camille

Hello! I am Camille, a wife, mother of four, Disney obsessed, certified teacher, and reality optimist. Motherhood comes with its ups and downs, and I hope while you're here you'll find something that makes your #momlife easier!


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Embrace the Mom You AreMy Mommy Style

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