If you fall on your Face

Today, in a matter of four hours, I take off my seatbelt, step out of the car, catch my high heel on the strap, fall face first on the asphalt, shatter my phone, bleed from my knee, ankle and knuckles, stand up and walk into KBYU as I compose myself, record a commercial for United Way, drive home, make dinner, take pictures of my daughter in her cheerleading outfit, come inside and realize my girls are late  for young women’s, drop one off at the church and drive to get the other, drop her off and finally come to eat a few bites of dinner at 8:00 pm.

And it all had me thinking, isn’t that just how motherhood is? It never stops, and it is certainly never dull! Someday, I’ll have much more free time.  One day, I’ll read and watch shows and possibly travel.  In some future, far off year, I’ll actually, possibly, be bored – but it’s not now.  Right now, it’s crazy and chaotic and insane.  People actually expect me to remember all seven of my children’s birth dates, year included.  These tiny bodies want to eat things, and play with my things, they talk, burp, and repeat themselves a thousand – no – a million times.  Even my eleven year old, Ella, said to me today,

“Mom, even I am sick of hearing your name!”

Now that is saying something! I actually hear my name so much that I don’t hear it.  Really, I am not choosing to ignore them, by this point my deaf ears are involuntary, and I’m not even “over the hill” yet.

What is over the hill, anyway? Does it mean we have lived the best of our life already, and it’s all down hill from there, OR does it mean that we have the most beautiful view of our life? If you look down one side of the hill, you have a clear perspective of where you’ve been — the good, the bad and the ugly – and on the other side, is your future.  Full of hope, plans, and more lessons to learn.

It never ends, so really, it doesn’t mater in the long run, if you fall on your face.  (at least that’s what I’m telling myself) you just get up, and keep on going.  You may be laughed at, or bleed, or scratch your new shoes and shatter your phone, but life goes on.  It really does.

Although, I’m not saying you’ll never look like an idiot as you figure it out.image

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    MyMommyStyle Meet Camille

    Hello! I am Camille, a wife, mother of four, Disney obsessed, certified teacher, and reality optimist. Motherhood comes with its ups and downs, and I hope while you're here you'll find something that makes your #momlife easier!


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