It is a new year and with that I am happy to share a new printable to support the goal setting initiative for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Goal setting can be overwhelming, but I love the way that the church has broken down the process into four simple steps.
Our children are setting things goals with one simple focus: To become closer to Jesus Christ and ultimately be more like him. That is what we are all aiming for, right?
When setting these goals with your children take them through a process. Help them recognize things they are good at. We all want to start on a positive note so that by going through talking about what they like to do can help them figure out how to nourish that interest or perhaps gain strengths in other areas.
Goals also DO NOT need to start out grand. It is by small and simple things that great things are brought to pass. Approach this process the same way. This initiative is all about allowing our kids the opportunity to take ownership for their personal relationship with themselves and becoming closer to Christ.
As you introduce your child to goal setting try your very best to guide them, but do not make the goals for them. We want to help them learn how to listen to the spirit and their own internal compass about what they need and want to do to improve.
“All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to be or do. ” —Norman Vincent Peale
Help your child by sharing experience, lessons you’ve learned as you’ve walked the path of life. Goals should be approached with long suffering, love, meekness, and love unfeigned.
Here are the four specific questions you want to ask your child when setting the goals in these specific areas as directed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: Physical, social, spiritual, and intellectual.
- What is your goal? (Ask them what they would like to do most. Make the goal measurable and specific.)
- Why is this important to me? Help your child define WHY they want to achieve this goal. This will help them be more successful when making daily choices.
- How will this help you become more like Jesus Christ? Have them list specific characteristics that will help them come to Him.
- How will I do it? Come up with a routine, schedule, accountability chart, whatever it is that helps them lay out an actionable plan.
A good rule of thumb When setting goals is to make your goals SMART
Specific: State exactly what it is that you want to accomplish
Measurable: use small goals that can be measured
Attainable: Create a goal that isn’t too far fetched or hard to achieve
Realistic: Set a goal that will add to your life in a simple, real way
Timely: Give yourself adequate time, but create a timeline
I have designed this goal setting chart so that it can be printed on a large scale to see all year long. This is available in three sizes for only $3! You can make a copy to hang on your wall, keep in a notebook, or laminate to change again and again.
The largest print size is 24×36 which can be printed as an engineered print at your local paper supply store for under $5, in a lot of cases you should be able to print it for $1.99.
Looking for more help? Check out the post I wrote here that takes the process of setting goals even deeper.
Connect with your kids on a deeper level by joining my “Time For Us” monthly membership. A pre-made parent/child journal with new activities and ways to connect each week all year long.
Hello! I am Camille, a wife, mother of four, Disney obsessed, certified teacher, and believer in creating your best momlife the way you see fit. Motherhood comes with its ups and downs, my hope is you’ll find something here to make your life a little better/easier. Let’s be friends on social!