Okay, so maybe it isn’t exactly time….yet. But it is getting close and now it is the waiting game. I am actually pleasantly surprised that I am still pregnant as I lost my mucous plug two weeks ago and was afraid that this little one was coming a little too early. But as I woke this morning I donned my striped shirt and mentally gave him the go ahead as from here on out I feel very comfortable in his arrival. Very comfortable you might ask? Well, yes, surprisingly so. Yes, I do have uncomfortable nights, and yes, I do feel rather creaky…but I feel content on knowing that he is still right where he should be.
I have been studying “hypnobabies” faithfully and am really trying to absorb the mental state that is required of one trying to accomplish natural child birth with the tools they give you. It has been quite the commitment as they expect for you to listen to almost an hour’s worth of self-hypnosis recordings every single day. I have invested so much time that I really hope it pays off. One thing you have to come to grips with as a pregnant mother is that no two pregnancies are the same. There are ups and downs, new stretch marks, different pains, hormones that rack your mind and your face. Not to mention the daily concern of your little one’s well being. I am so anxious to meet this little one once and for all especially in knowing how close we were to losing him months ago. He really is a miracle to me and so very strong. The ER doctor was certain that the pregnancy wouldn’t last and our little one wouldn’t make it. Knowing this has made every week of this pregnancy a rather large milestone as he has grown in my body and my heart.
I have an appointment tomorrow morning and am curious to see the progress (*if any) I have made. Last week I was 30% effaced and dilated to a 1+, which I never dilated with my other two, so that is a new experience. The doctor guessed that I would be having him in the next few days because of my early progress, but so far it is rather quiet. When I lost my plug with Jayne I was 38 weeks 2 days and my water broke immediately. I would love for that to happen again as I have never had to time my contractions and try to decide when it is an appropriate time to come to the hospital.
Another debate/concern is the matter of whether or not I should try to be induced. I am rather nerdy when it comes to numbers/birthdays and loved the idea of having him on 11/12/13, as if you can plan that sort of thing. I guess you can, but if you are trying to go natural it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense does it? I have a friend who went natural with three out of her four children and had her water broken to induce her labor at 39 weeks. I’ve been reading about that method and have read that it is a better option than Pitocin if you are trying to go “drug free.” I am planning to ask my doctor about this method tomorrow. I am hoping my little one just decides to come on his own before then, but who knows? Of course there are other less invasive natural ways of helping the baby out…but as for now I am in no big hurry!
How far along? 38 Weeks
Maternity Clothes? Of course, my favorite maternity jeans are from H&M, and I find that my favorite tops are ones that are NOT maternity but can accommodate a belly! (It’s nice that large shirts are in style.)
Sleep: This little guy gets a little wiggly at night and will certainly let me know it. The other night I was up from 4-5 watching “Vampire Diaries” and enjoying a bowl of cereal. Once he was fed he calmed right down. I have always thought God prepares you early with bathroom visits and wiggly babies for when they come as you will be doing the same thing when they arrive!
Best moment this week: Celebrating Halloween with my littles and enjoying the crisp, fall air.
Miss Anything? Bending over comfortably and working out.
Movement: It is always reassuring to feel him move and I grab on to his little feet all of the time. He is head down, with his back/belly on my left side and his feet on my right side. It is so fun to imagine holding and kissing those little toes soon.
Food cravings: I finally ate a Neilsen’s Frozen Custard this weekend (chocolate almond of course) and perhaps shouldn’t have because it left me wanting more! Best ice cream in the world.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No, although late at night I occasionally have some nausea in my throat…if that makes any sense at all.
Symptoms: Starting to show signs of readiness with mucous plug etc.
Labor Signs: Dilated to a 1+, no contractions.
Belly Button in or out? It’s been hanging out for a while! Kids love to push on it and talk to the baby. Jayne loves to talk about “her baby” and has become quite the little helper in getting his room ready. Jackson is ready to be my big helper and will say, “I am sorry you have to bend over and pick things up Mom, let me help you!” They are both so sweet and excited to meet their brother.
Weddings rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Game time. Let’s do this!
Hello! I am Camille, a wife, mother of four, Disney obsessed, certified teacher, and believer in creating your best momlife the way you see fit. Motherhood comes with its ups and downs, my hope is you’ll find something here to make your life a little better/easier. Let’s be friends on social!
The inducing labor track of hypnobabies combined with abdominal lifts worked really well for me. Study up on the lifts because they also help a lot with stalled labors. Good luck!
I hope you get the labor and delivery you are hoping for, every mama deserves that. You look beautiful and I am so excited to see pictures of your new little man in the coming weeks. Best wishes!!