I am honored to be doing a book review for Julianne Donaldson and her new book “Blackmoore.” I was first introduced to Donaldson’s writing through Bobbie (who used to write on this blog) and referred me to “Edenbrooke” which was Julianne’s first published romance novel. I instantly fell in love with her writing and read the book in less than two days. So when I heard that Julianne was coming out with a new “proper romance” novel I was so excited to see what she would come up with next. Things got even more squeal inducing when I was asked to do a review for this novel and would receive a copy before they would become available to the general public…and it certainly did not disappoint.
First, here is a little bit more about Julianne:
“Julianne Donaldson grew up as the daughter of a U.S. Air Force fighter pilot. She learned how to ski in the Italian Alps, visited East Berlin before the wall came down, and spent three years living next to a 500-year-old castle. After earning a degree in English, she turned her attention to writing about distant times and places. She lives in Utah with her husband and four children. Edenbrooke is her first novel.”
Cool girl, yes. I wish we were best of pals, although from reading her novels I feel like a do know her on a personal level although I have yet to meet her in person. You can actually follow her on Facebook where she will post up to date information on book signings, insights, and life HERE.
“At eighteen, Kate Worthington knows she should be getting serious about marriage, but her restless heart won’t let her settle down. To escape her mother’s meddlesome influence, she dreams of traveling to exotic India. When the opportunity arises, Kate finds herself making a bargain with her mother: she will be allowed to go only if she spends a season at the family’s wealthy estate, Blackmoore, where she must secure— and reject—three marriage proposals. Enlisting the help of her dearest childhood friend, Henry Delafield, Kate sets out to collect her proposals so she can be on her way. But Henry’s decision to help threatens to destroy both of their dreams in ways they could never imagine. With hints of Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters, Blackmoore is a page-turning tale of romance, intrigue, and devotion.”
The thing that I love most about Julianne’s writing is how quickly one can get lost in the world that she creates for the reader. The characters are relatable and easy to imagine as she sucks you into a world where Jane Eyre could have been your next door neighbor.
Blackmoore is a book that you can easily lose hours/days go without noticing. And once finished you find yourself thinking of. Kate is the main character of the book and surprisingly witty and unlike the aspiring match seekers around her. My favorite aspect of this book is that you don’t understand the motivations of her attitude towards marriage until you get well past the middle of the book. It seems as though the circumstance is so predictable until you realize it is not.
I generally don’t seek out “romance novels” as I am a big fan of science fiction, historical fiction, and mystery. But this type of romance is just right. It fills your mind with the hopeful anticipation of love that does exist between two people and interference that can exist in life even outside of a “pride and prejudice” type atmosphere. Games are still played and hearts still long for the sweet assurance of knowing someone has the deepest care and compassion for your heart and nothing else. It is also a clean romance which I appreciate immensely. That the description of a perfectly anticipated kiss is more than enough “action” for me. (The anticipation is the best part, right?)
Here is the great part, Shadow Mountain, along with Julianne Donaldson, would like to give one of our readers a free copy of this book. (I promise you’ll love it) and if you haven’t read Edenbrooke I would suggest that you do as well. Amazon is having a special on her books this month where you can purchase Edenbrooke for only $1.99. Or Blackmoore for only $7.99!
Good Luck! Giveaway ends Tuesday morning 7:00 a.m. MST. Winner announced later that day!
Hello! I am Camille, a wife, mother of four, Disney obsessed, certified teacher, and believer in creating your best momlife the way you see fit. Motherhood comes with its ups and downs, my hope is you’ll find something here to make your life a little better/easier. Let’s be friends on social!
I absolutely loved EDENBROOKE and am looking forward to reading BLACKMOORE. I would then like to review both of them on our blog, bookworm2bookworm.
Congratulations on being such a terrific author!