Prepare Your Home For Emergency

Hello to the My Mommy Style community! I am honored to be here with you to share a little bit of what I do over at Plan for Awesome, and to invite you to join Camille and me, in the Emergency Preparedness Challenge for Families!

First, a little bit about you and a little bit about me…

  1. I’m guessing you’re a mom if you’re reading this. Right? Between the 2 of us, my husband and I have 7 kids (4 are mine, 3 are his). I’m definitely a mom. Check. 
  2. I’m guessing you’re probably pulling your hair out right about now, navigating this whole Covid life. Me too. Check.
  3. And if you work from home, I get that too. I teach piano to 30 students (on Zoom right now) and run a website, all from home. Check.
  4. If you have 5 kids doing distance learning 100% right now, then we also have that in common. Ugh. Check.
  5. You are terrified at where our world is at right now, and wonder what on earth could possibly show up in the headlines tomorrow. Will it be a hurricane? A tornado? An earthquake? A fire? A crazy windstorm? A riot? A worldwide pandemic? A health crisis? A tanking economy? Oh wait…all those things have already happened. THIS YEAR! Check.
  6. And you probably worry that you aren’t doing enough for your family’s level of preparedness. That’s me, every day. Check. I mean, we’re moms.  How can we NOT worry?
  7. And you don’t know where to start with those two huge words that you avoid at all costs: EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS. This was me. So consider that box checked as well. At least I’ve been there

Have you considered holding a family emergency plan? Does your family have a drill in place in case of a fire?

Family Emergency Challenge

Okay, so now that we’ve established we can be friends, and we probably share quite a few similarities in our every day lives, let’s talk about why I’m here today.

I’m here because I get it. I’m right there in the trenches with you. And…

I want to help you get your family more prepared. And I want to do it NOW. Not next year, not when your kids are older, not after Covid, not after the holidays. Let’s do it now.

The good news is, IT IS POSSIBLE. No matter who you are and what your life looks like, you can do this.

Prepare For Emergency in a simple, step by step way.

I have created a super basic, yet super important FAMILY EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS CHALLENGE

I actually did this in the month of September with my community, and I am so excited to do it again this month with Camille and all of you!

Here are just a few of the areas that you will have confidence in by the end of October: 

  • Utility Shut Offs (Water, Gas, Electricity)
  • Garage Door Operation when Power is Out
  • House Fires
  • Earthquakes
  • Power Outages
  • Family Emergency Plan
  • Grab List for Evacuation
  • CPR 

How does that sound? Pretty good, right? 

I know what you’re thinking. There’s no way you have time for all of that.
I have good news for you.
You’re wrong.  
You totally have time for this!

Prepare for Emergency: 15 minutes a day (weekends off) for one month.

That’s it! You give me that, and I will take care of the rest!

If this sounds like something you would like to do, CLICK HERE to get started on the Emergency Preparedness Challenge for Families.  
If this sounds like something you wouldn’t like to do, CLICK HERE to get started on the Emergency Preparedness Challenge for families.

Do you see what I did there? I’m pretty sneaky, I know. But the truth is, whether we want to do this stuff or not, it is SO IMPORTANT! And it is my goal to make this as easy and as painless as possible for you. I promise.

So head on over and sign up. And if you need some motivation, grab a friend! There isn’t ONE person on this earth who wouldn’t benefit from the things you are going to learn this month. They are so important. And you never know when you may need this information!

If you still don’t believe me, here are a few things I have done to make this QUICK and EASY for you.

  • Free calendar for you to print out and be reminded to do that day’s task
  • Option to sign up for free daily reminder emails (Monday-Friday for the month of October)
  • Free step-by-step instructions, with pictures to help 
  • Built-in time to teach your kids about the things they need to know
  • Free printables to help wherever they would be helpful (some examples are listed below)
    • Cheat sheet of what you should cover when talking to your kids about fire safety
    • Printable Family Emergency Plan
    • Printable Grab List
    • Printable Instructions for Utility Shut Offs
  • Oh, and did I mention that it’s 100% FREE?!?!?

I cannot tell you how GREAT it feels when you accomplish something like this! 

I have carefully chosen the topics and tasks to be thorough, but also doable for busy moms. 

For example, I don’t just say, “Teach your kids about fire safety today.”  
You will be preparing all month through various tasks, to have everything you need in order to teach your kids about fire safety, when that day on the schedule comes. And I also have a printable to help you. 

I told you, I get it. I’m a busy mom, just like you. I made this schedule for YOU!
You can do this!

Join Camille and me for a month of getting your family prepared by clicking HERE!

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    MyMommyStyle Meet Camille

    Hello! I am Camille, a wife, mother of four, Disney obsessed, certified teacher, and reality optimist. Motherhood comes with its ups and downs, and I hope while you're here you'll find something that makes your #momlife easier!


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    Embrace the Mom You AreMy Mommy Style

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    Embrace the Mom You AreMy Mommy Style


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