We belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints otherwise known as “The Mormons”. We are proud of this part of who we are! We are excited to team up with over 65+ of us strong… to extend an invitation to see a film. A film entitled “Meet The Mormons”. This film is not meant to be an “in your face” – you must join our church film. It is simply designed and produced to uplift and inspire you through six stories of those of our faith who have followed promptings to follow Christ more fully in their lives. We hope you take the opportunity to enjoy this film. We hope your hearts are made light as you feel the goodness that comes from following our Christ and Savior. All proceeds from the film will be donated to The American Red Cross. So not only will you be uplifted and inspired, your money will be going to an amazing charity!!
We also would like to take a moment and share our personal testimonies, stories of our own personal conversions, and our own stories of how following our Savior, Jesus Christ has changed our lives. The light of the gospel of Jesus Christ offers a joy and hope that only following him can provide. We hope as you click through and read our stories and testimonies of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, you will feel uplifted and encouraged. We are by you! We love connecting with our readers, that is why many of us do what we do! Please be kind and considerate in your comments. It takes great bravery for us to open our hearts and our mouths to share with you such a tender and personal part of who we are. We share because we feel strongly the need to share the peace and the hope that is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Adrienne | Free Time Frolics , Camille | Chicken Scratch n’ Sniff , Natalie & Rebekah | House of Sprinkles , Kathleen| Fearlessly Creative Moms
Emily | The Benson Street , Staci | The Potter’s Place, Alyssa | Alyssa.Marie , Kristen | Capturing Joy , Aly | Entirely Eventful Day
Katie | Clarks Condensed, Larissa | Just Another Day In Paradise , Camille | My Mommy Style , Candice | She’s Crafty
Anita | Live Like You Are Rich, Landee | Landee Lu , Tara & Devin | Salt & Pepper Moms , Mallory & Savannah | Classy Clutter Kelli & Kristi| Lolly Jane
McKenzie | Girl Loves Glam , Pam & Lisa | Over The Big Moon , Melanie | Forty Eighteen , Sky | Capital B Adell | Baked in Arizona
Andie | Maybe I Will , Shatzi | Love and Laundry , Robyn | Create it Go , Rachel | R & R Workshop
Tiffany | Feel Great In 8 , Katelyn | What Up Fagens? , Brittany | BrittanyBullen , Ginger | Ginger Snap Crafts , Stephanie | Crafting In The Rain
Chelsey | Cee Me Be , Amber | Crazy Little Projects , Kallie | Smitten By, Elyse, Kristen, Lauren, Steph, Kendra & Camille | Six Sisters Stuff Annette | Tips From A Typical Mom
Amberly | Life With Amberly & Joe , Taralyn | Keep Moving Forward With Me , Jessica | What Does The Cox Say? , Lisa | Mabey She Made It , Kiki | Kiki & Company
Kierste | Simply Kierste , Tayler | The Morrell Tale, Jennifer | My Daylights , Cambria | Live To Be Inspired, Danielle | Today’s The Best Day
Amber | Dessert Now Dinner Later, Natalie | The Creative Mom, Bobbie | A Vision To Remember , Becky | Babes In Hairland
Lisa | Pebbles & Pigtails , Mandy | Sugar Bee Crafts , Krista | Reclaim, Renew, Remodel , Wendy | Musings, Miracles, and Mayhem
Nat & Holly | My Sister’s Suitcase, Britni| Play.Party.Pin , Montserrat | Cranial Hiccups , Heidi | A Lively Hope , Ashley & Meegan | Flats to Flip Flops
Alexis | We Like to Learn As We Go, Amy | The English Geek , Mariel | Or So She Says Carrian | Oh Sweet Basil
Kirtley | The Gist of fit | Aubrey | Dreaming of Someday, Natalie| The Messanos, Angela | Handmade In The Heartland
I have been looking forward to this film coming out for some time now and I am so thankful for this opportunity to tell you why. I was raised in an LDS community and I am so grateful that I was, I felt a lot of community support for my beliefs and came to a sweet understanding of it’s truth at a very young age. It wasn’t until I was 12 while I was on an educational school trip to Washington, D.C. that I realized there is a such a misconception of what it means to be Mormon and that we are indeed followers of the one and only Savior, Jesus Christ. I was asked all sorts of strange questions, “Do you really grow horns?” or “So how many Moms do you have?” “Do you make your own clothes and live on a farm?” No kidding. These were real questions that the kids I was traveling with wanted to know.
Fast forward 10 years and I was on the phone working as a sales rep for a mortgage company and had a very similar conversation with the woman I was talking to. Her response stuck in my head and I will never forget, “I’ve just never even TALKED with one before” like I must have come from planet Mars or something. I laughed a bit and asked her if she knew Mitt Romney was a Mormon/LDS (who happened to be running for President at the time), and she said, “Oh, yes! That’s right!”
To answer these questions:
No. We do not have horns.
We do not drink coffee, alcohol, or smoke.
We believe Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer.
We believe in heaven.
We are not polygamists.
Some of us live on farms just like any other farmer in America, but most of us are living like the majority of the US population going to public schools, pledging the allegiance, and active in sports and music.
My life was peppered with experiences like this and I don’t resent them because many of them turned out to be some of the sweetest memories of opportunities to bear my testimony and share what I believe in. That is the main reason why I am so excited for this film to come out. I am thrilled to have a “normal” face attached the “Mormon” name and for that “normal” to be defined in so many different ways. I can tell you that EVERY single time I have traveled and brought a Book of Mormon along with me to share I have been prompted to give it to someone who was LOOKING for the answers it has to give. I take no credit for this as I know that it was our Heavenly Father using the opportunity to share His message of love to his children. Because I live in Utah in a predominantly LDS community I do not have experiences like this as much as I would like to. My heart hurts when I read hateful comments that people throw at the LDS faith and I hope that through the eyes of a positive media outlet some of those views can be changed or softened.
My testimony has been a part of my soul forever. With every truth that is revealed to me through my life I feel an awakening to the spirit I once was in Heaven and am simply remembering what I have always known. I believe that there is a prophet that speaks to God on the earth today. I know that the restored Gospel truths and priesthood keys that existed on the earth in times of old are here now through the Prophet Joseph Smith. I believe in the truth that is found in the Book of Mormon as another testament of Jesus Christ in these latter days. I know that God loves and hears each one of us. He hears us even when we aren’t talking with him in prayer, but I know that he yearns to hear from each of his children. I have felt his guiding influence in my life and know that he has given me commandments to discover the deepest kind of joy imaginable.
Families are forever and it is through the covenants that can be found in the temple that everyone can achieve a life in the hereafter where we will be united forever. As I am now a Mother I wish for nothing more then to have my children and their children knit into eternity with me and my husband.
Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I know that he died on the cross and suffered in Gethsemane that I would have the opportunity to repent of my sins and be a receiver of all the blessings the atonement has to offer. He did not come for “the perfect people” nor did He come for “chosen ones”; He came for us all.
I pray that if you have questions about the LDS faith or you want to know what it means to be Mormon that you visit lds.org, go to this movie, or even reach out to me personally. I was married before I had a chance to serve a mission and I look forward to the day when I can go on a mission with my husband. The gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints is one full of hope, charity, and love. If you’d like to read the Book of Mormon you can get one for free HERE!
I saw the movie tonight and was so happy with it! I encourage anyone who can to go see it!
Hello! I am Camille, a wife, mother of four, Disney obsessed, certified teacher, and believer in creating your best momlife the way you see fit. Motherhood comes with its ups and downs, my hope is you’ll find something here to make your life a little better/easier. Let’s be friends on social!
I love this! I was on an airplane earlier this year and was sitting next to a girl who asked me a lot of questions that seemed a little basic to me, but I was so glad that she asked! I hope people realize that Mormons aren’t offended if people ask questions about our faith! Thanks for sharing your testimony!
I agree, it is so refreshing to simply answer questions and have an open discussion! Thank you for your insight!