Christmas time is soooo busy. I absolutely love the fresh fallen snow, the music, the family gatherings, and food. It really is the most magical time of the year. But what makes this time of year so precious to me above any other time is the fact that we get to focus on giving and Jesus. I must admit that I can get swept away by the appeal of a black Friday sale, the hustle and bustle, and at times lose sight of what matters most. I hope that these ideas of teaching your children the true meaning of Christmas will give you some inspiration on how you can include Him in your celebrations. Because the deepest and longest lasting joy comes from the love our Heavenly Father and his son who love us so very much.
These are not earth shattering ideas by any means, but more of a guide of ways you could include Him in your day to day thoughts and service rendered to others. I partnered with in the #ShareTheLight campaign to share with you their initiative of ways you can reach out to others through small and simple acts during the month of December. Whether you are hoping to find ways to serve in your community, deepen your relationship with our Heavenly Father, or fill your life with more Christmas cheer this is the guide for you. Each day has a theme and three ideas of how you could honor that day of sharing the light within you to honor Him. The thing that I love most about this message is that it is in the small and simple things that we can do as individuals each day that bring about such a drastic and wonderful change when we join our efforts.
You can choose to do one or many, it is up to you. I think a good way to incorporate this idea would be to print off a copy that you could see daily as inspiration for connecting to the true meaning of Christmas for you.
Click here to download the Light the World advent calendar: 25 Ways in 25 Days
I wanted to focus on Day 11: Jesus Ministered To Children and So Can You
Here are the sample ideas that are given for that day.
Set one night a week aside for just you and your children. Find ideas here.
As a Christmas gift, purchase a picture of Jesus Christ for your child’s room. Teach your child about the Savior’s love for him or her.
Ask your children what they think you should pray about as a family.
Here are some additional ways we as a family like to teach our children about the true meaning of Christmas.
Read a scripture each night leading up to the birth of the savior. Here is a source where you can read a scripture a day to get to the point of his birth by Christmas. I love this printable by, print it off and add it to your daily advent calendar.
Use an old calendar with pictures of Christ to have your child pick their favorite one to display in their room. You can also have them buy a print, I just happened to have these old calendars on had for teaching purposes.
Find or make a nativity scene that your children can play with. I have a gorgeous nativity scene made of ceramic and cloth that is NOT for playing. I didn’t like the “no touch” policy because I know children learn so much when they can imagine and play with their hands. We made this nativity together and now they have the perfect display they can play with to their hearts delight.
Not crafty? No worries. I love this one too made by Little People.
Play music that speaks of Christ and discuss the words together. I have to laugh because the other day my sister and I were debating what a “manger” was with my niece. For some reason we thought it was a stable, while in fact she KNEW it was a crib. We laughed as we realized she had been right all along and we were having a major brain stump at the moment. Songs teach children the messages of Christ like nothing else can.
Honor Him by looking for ways to serve each other as a family. We have the “Soft Enough for a King” book set that has a tiny doll Jesus with pieces of paper representing straw that you can write acts of service you do for each other to give baby Jesus a soft crib. It is a great way for the kids to think of each other. You certainly don’t need this book to think of ways to serve each other, this is just a fun idea! 🙂
Talk about Jesus and his characteristics and try to emulate him. Whether it is through feeding the homeless, inviting someone over for dinner, doing a sub for Santa, or simply taking the time to show them you appreciate them. Children learn through ACTION and behavior, so if they see you doing these things they will learn on a much deeper level by doing these things with you.
This is why I love the #ShareTheLight initiative because it does the thinking for you and breaks it down to simple tasks. I personally want to take the challenge of kneeling to pray every day in December. What challenge will you take on?
Here is the official video for this campaign. It is absolutely beautiful. I hope you take the time to watch it and share it with your loved ones.
Hello! I am Camille, a wife, mother of four, Disney obsessed, certified teacher, and believer in creating your best momlife the way you see fit. Motherhood comes with its ups and downs, my hope is you’ll find something here to make your life a little better/easier. Let’s be friends on social!