
We love working with sponsors and are happy that you are interested in working with us!  Please email us at [email protected] for rates and information.


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  • Karyn BurkeNovember 3, 2012 - 9:11 am

    I am interested in donating a gift to help you raise funds for victims of Hurricane Sandy. I live in Florida and have lived through many hurricanes but the devastation in the northern states, especially in Staten island, my place of birth is heartbreaking. I am seeking out small ways I can help. Thank you!ReplyCancel

    • JanaeNovember 5, 2012 - 5:51 pm

      That’s awesome Karyn! Let us know what you would like to donate, and we will figure a way to use it to raise money. Thanks! Email me at Janae@[email protected]ReplyCancel

  • ChristinaJuly 11, 2013 - 8:41 am

    I sell baby girl clothing and accessories.

    I would like information on rate cards, sponsorship or giveaways.

    Thank you,

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