Build the Snowman


Do you ever wonder if your kids will remember or appreciate the sacrifices you make?

The many sleepless nights that you cuddled them when they were sick, the countless hours of playing taxi service, the times you made them snacks when you would have rather laid down, the days that you never had the chance to take a shower or change out of your pajamas…. all day.

The list is endless.

A few days ago, I came across this picture of my brother and myself. First, it made me smile – the moon boots were my favorite and my brothers hand shaped pockets are the best! And you couldn’t miss that snowman, not in a million years! My dad spent hours gathering every bit of snow off of the grass so that we could have the biggest snowman in the neighborhood. It didn’t cost a lot of money, but it did cost time. Time he could have spent doing a million other things, but he didn’t. He made the decision to come outside and play. I can’t diss my mom, which I am sure she was inside taking care of the other few children.  Together, they made a great team.

I still remember the curiosity I felt as he positioned the snow shovel in the snowman’s hands and giggling at the enormous ears. I can feel the crisp air on my neck and visualize looking up the street to my Grandma’s ranch, just next door. I still miss the wild bunny rabbits that we caught, only once, because when we did – they scratched us to death! I miss dancing to Elvis Presley songs in the front room with my brothers, spinning around and around on the red carpet in the front room with the enormous windows. I remember having to share a room with Dave, but secretly being really happy that we did. I remember when each child was born, that is the fun part about being the oldest!

Now that I am the mom that juggles all of the kids, I look at this picture through a different lens. I realize the time and patience that it takes to be a mom. It seemed so simple as a child, and I am grateful that I had a simple childhood. Not all children are lucky enough to be raised in such a calm environment. I have met so many people as an adult that have grown from a childhood that was very hard – sometimes unspeakable experiences that changed their lives and their perspectives forever. Sometimes those stories are so intense that they make me cry, but I’ll tell you something I’ve learned, and that is that people are strong. Kids are resilient.

Just because you have been through something hard as a child or an adult, it doesn’t mean that you have to give up. There are people that go through adverse experiences and use it for an excuse to stop in their progression, and there are others that use those experiences to make them strong. I hope to be one of those people that push forward, always. You never know what life has in store for you or how you’ll act in various scenarios, but I plan to hit whatever comes my way, head on – the best I can.

Mostly, I want to work on spending more time with my kids and not being too distracted by too many things. I want to take the time to build the snowman.

written by: Janae

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  • Camille Walker

    Love this! It is always so fun to read about the memories you had before I came into existence. We really are so lucky to have the parents and childhood we did and it is a something I am constantly trying to remind myself to do…build the snowman.ReplyCancel


MyMommyStyle Meet Camille

Hello! I am Camille, a wife, mother of four, Disney obsessed, certified teacher, and reality optimist. Motherhood comes with its ups and downs, and I hope while you're here you'll find something that makes your #momlife easier!


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